Guiding spiritual, mystical, and witchy anxious high achievers to connect to intuition, awaken the wisdom within, and to do so joyfully.

I am a guide who walks alongside you on the journey of helping you remember the voice that lies within you. The one that knows the truth of who you really are. I support you in your healing using holistic wellness based tools so that you can do more than survive but joyfully thrive in love and life.

Intuitive. Unapologetically Authentic. Gentle. Direct. Compassionate.

These are just a few words that past clients have used to describe me and my approach as an intuitive guide. So many folx I work with report feeling stuck, indecisive, riddled with self-doubt, and insecurity in their personal life, relationships and in their work. Many are searching for clarity and guidance as to what steps they can take to move forward. I provide a safe space for folx to connect to their inner wisdom, get unstuck, engage with creativity, and learn to trust themselves again. Whether that is through tarot readings, sacred energy sessions (distance reiki), coaching and/or Emotional Freedom Techniques-tapping. I am committed to guiding you to come back to your truth. I have an ability to create sacred safe spaces for newbies who are curious about tarot and energy work.

My work with the tarot has been one filled with deep healing and transformation. It first began when my Tía introduced me to her Smith Rider Waite Deck in the early 90s. It wasn’t until I journeyed into my own dark night of the soul that the tarot came back into my life. The tarot is a powerful healing, reflective and transformative tool. Building a relationship with the tarot has deepened my life as a mama, psychotherapist, energy healer, and tarot practitioner.

It was my own work with the tarot, meditation, and sacred energy practices that inspired me to share my offerings with others. My approach to magic, energy work, coaching, psychotherapy and tarot are deeply intuitive. I am passionate about connecting people to cultivate their own spiritual practices, power, intuition, and creativity that exists already inside of them. As your intuitive guide, I will support you on the journey to reconnecting to all the wisdom that you carry within. It is a true joy and gift to be a witness to the ways folks I hold space for can thrive and bloom when they have a safe space to come back home to themselves.

Studies / Trainings / Spiritual, Knowledge & Learning Lineages:

Psychospiritual Somatic Therapist 

Birth & Postpartum Doula, Birth Arts International

Decolonizing The Body: Journey of Somatic Decolonization, 8 Week Series led by Kelsey Blackwell

Heritage Workshop: A Journey on Ancestral Connectedness for BIPOC & QTBIPOC, guided by Gabes Torres

Level 1 Trained Breathwork Facilitator, trained by Shanila Sattar of Always Play Studios & Integrative Healing Academy

Level 1 & 2 Certification in Emotional Freedom Techniques (aka Tapping), Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology

Intuitive Tarot Reader, Trained in Intuitive Tarot Medicine in the Soul Tarot School guided by Lindsay Mack

Level 1 & 2 Trained (Western) Reiki Practitioner guided by Yvonne E. Nieves, RMT

Intuitive Reiki (aka Master) Practitioner, Sacred Witness (Energy) Immersion Program led by Zel Amanzi, Transgressive Medicine

Eternal student of Black Feminist and Queer Black Feminist Lineages & Scholarship

B.S. Human Development, Binghamton University

M.Ed., Urban Education, Temple University

MSW, Clinical Social Work, Bryn Mawr College

The magic you seek already lies within you. I help you connect to your inner wisdom.

Follow the journey.