New Moon in Pisces Prompts

Happy New Moon in Pisces!

Let us dream! Let us play! Let us imagine! Let us use this energy of Pisces season to reconnect with our younger parts and channel our inner child(ren) wisdom to live with intention and have fun while doing it!

Here are some writing prompts you can use for a journaling session or pull cards.

  1. What dreams lay forgotten within me, that deserve to be expressed and acknowledged?

  2. As a kid/young person, what did I dream of doing/being/becoming as an adult?

  3. What is one thing I’ve always really wanted to do? What supports or resources are needed for me to make it happen?

  4. If I could make one dream come true for a friend, what would it be?

  5. What activities or intentional practices can I incorporate into my life that will allow me space for creativity?

  6. When was the last time that I laughed really hard or until the tears came? Describe it in detail. Smile or laugh as you record this memory.


Week Ahead Spread: 3 Cards


Honoring Winter: 2 card Spreads Part 2